How I work…

Here are the specifics of my training and therapeutic modalities.

  • Third wave CBT, specifically utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). ACT helps you become more present to yourself, connected with your values, and able to face life in the face of unpleasant emotions. My therapy also integrates tools from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). I may also draw from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

  • Relational. I focus on building a strong relationship with you so we have a sturdy foundation to do this important work.

  • Attachment-based. Therapy will support you in building more secure attachment bonds in your relationships. Attachment theory focuses on both parent-child bonds, as well as romantic and other relationships.

  • Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). Couples therapy and family therapy focuses on the process by which partners learn to express their deep inner experiences and truly listen to their partner so they can better-manage conflict and rebuild connection.

  • Interpersonal behavioral therapy. We focus on the process by which you relate to others, and what you do (or how you behave) in relationships.

  • Behaviorally-based. I ask my clients to try new ways of being both inside and outside of sessions.

  • Experientially-based. Together, we will look into the dynamics that arise in the room.

    This means we may slow down and explore the process of what emotions, thoughts, somatic (bodily) experiences, and patterns of behavior are coming up in the session.

    This may also mean we focus on what it feels like for you and me to be in connection together. We will use the relationship between us as a place to build understanding of the dynamics of how you relate, as well as to experiment with new ways of relating.